April 24, 2023

6/65 – Dreams & Beans & Magical Fruit ~ Coastal Coffee

Remember the rhyme we loved to giggle through when we were kids? … “Beans, beans the magical fruit …” you know the rest.

It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized that beans were in fact a magical fruit, but not the ones immortalized in our childhood rhyme. Coffee beans have been performing magic for many of us for a very long time and this week we’re going to talk about a place I find just a little magical as well.

Some of us dream of doing things like this and others, like Ben and Bri Gingerich, are working hard to make it happen. It’s all about beans and dreams and a magical place called Coastal Coffee … this week on “A Life That’s Good”

Click HERE for the podcast  … For a better visual of some of our podcast discussion, see the carousel of images below.