March 18, 2024

53/65 - How Sweet It Is (Maple Syrup Time)

This week … Our sweetest adventure yet as Milli and I hit the road for a few live “on location” chats.

First we’ll visit our friends Ben and Bri at Coastal Coffee to talk about the side adventure they do there with Maple Syrup there. Then we’ll head over to Cranston Farms Maple Syrup for a quick chat with Ivan who we met last year and like so much we just had to stop in and say hi again. And then stop off for a visit with Kevin Snider at Robinson Maple Products.

All of that before returning to the studio to meet up with Barry Mulvey to have a conversation about one of the best Maple Syrup events you’ll find anywhere, The Belmore Maple Syrup Festival.

What a sweet time of year (pun intended) this week on A Life That’s Good – Podcast.