Oct. 16, 2023

31/65 – Give A Little Bit – The 22nd Annual CKNX Healthcare Heroes Radiothon

We’ve said it a lot over the years … If we all give a little … we all get a lot. I think sometimes we can hear something so often that we don’t really hear it after a while. We NEED to keep hearing those words. None of us will escape the need for health care of some kind in our lives and why would we not want it to be the best it can be?

The date this year is October 21st and you can listen to the entire broadcast on AM 920 CKNX … hosted by my friends and co-workers Julie B & Buzz Reynolds. Most of the rest of us at the radio stations in Wingham will be in and out with reports and some special interviews including some with this weeks guests on the podcast. We’re going to get to know a few of the people I’ve worked with over the past couple of decades. I love their passion for people and the love they have for their foundations and their communities.

The number of hospitals participating has fluctuated somewhat over the years … This year there are are 8 Hospital Foundations and I’m going to chat with 3 of the people who have been driving forces for their foundations over the years all of whom have become friends through the Radiothon.
Dale Franklin – The Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation
Nicole Jutzi – Wingham & District Hospital Foundation
and Wendy Hutton – Seaforth Community Hospital Foundation


The photoblog this week is a bit of a retrospective on Radiothons past …


Again … the CKNX Healthcare Heroes Radiothon happens on October 21st this year and will be broadcast on AM920 CKNX between 9am and 4pm.