March 3, 2023

An Introduction

An Introduction

It's been an incredible blessing to have lived and worked most of my life in Midwestern Ontario (Huron/Perth/Grey/Bruce and N. Wellington Counties). As I approach an age where some consider retirement, the thought of it fills me with wonder, some angst and a little disbelief ... but mostly, it fills me with gratitude. With that in mind, I've given myself a "65 Before 65 Challenge." In the coming 65 weeks I want to celebrate 65 things I love about living here. Things that have truly given me a life that's good.

I'm a Boomer. My wife is a Millennial. While the podcast will focus primarily on my close to 40 year career as a broadcaster in Midwestern Ontario, we will come to you often as Boomer & Milli, to share our unique perspectives and mutual love for the place we call home. Glad you're here. The first episode will drop March 20th.