Nov. 20, 2023

36. And That's What Christmas is All About (H.C. Christmas Bureau)

36. And That's What Christmas is All About (H.C. Christmas Bureau)

This week, Milli and I are going to do something on the pod that we generally try to avoid ... we are going to talk about Christmas ... before December 1st.

It is for a great reason though. The Huron County Christmas Bureau is an amazing organization that has been making Christmas better for families in need in Huron County, for more than 50 years. Joining us to chat all things Christmas Bureau is Executive Director, Katrina Clarke.

Milli and I will also talk about the newest inductees into the Toy Hall of Fame and discuss the toys that made life good for us when we were kids, as well a new poll about favourite holiday flavours and the "thing" that always makes it feel like Christmas.

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