Aug. 21, 2023

23. The Bridge That Love Built (Ball's Bridge)

23. The Bridge That Love Built (Ball's Bridge)

"Love can build a bridge, between your heart and mine - Love can build a bridge ... don't ya think it's time, don't ya think it's time?"

Those are the some of the lyrics to the 1990 hit song “Love Can Build a Bridge" by the Judds.

Love did build a bridge way back in 1885 on Little Lakes Road, about 9 km west of Goderich. Ball’s Bridge, also known as “the Bridge that Love Built”, is one of the most beautiful and romantic landmarks in Ontario.

138 years later, the bridge is still bringing people together. Sadly this time, it's to try to save and preserve the irreplaceable culture, history, agriculture and biodiversity of the bridge and surrounding area.

Our guests today are Rebecca Garrett and Jennifer Morris. Join us as we discuss the fight to Save Historic Ball's Bridge & Little Lakes Road.

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